Sunday, December 13, 2009

Feeling The Blah's

I am finding that is so easy to lose our focus with homeschooling. These past few weeks have been so crazy that we haven't done much "official" school work at all. If I don't make a concerted effort to stick to our schedule, then it all goes haywire. The only consolation I have is that Cameron is ahead in his reading and math, so it's really not that bad if we veer a little off course. Every so often, though, I need to re-center and get motivated again.
On a side note, Sammy is very much into doing his own "school book" as he calls it. His "school book" is actually a preschool critical thinking curriculum that I also used with Cameron 2 years ago. Cameron totally loved and now Sammy is, too. This curriculum comes with a workbook that contains matching games, mazes, patterning, letter writing and geoboard patterns along with a geoboard for copying the patterns in the book or creating your own patterns. He also has a few other workbooks that he likes to do while I am doing school work with Cameron. I think Sammy must feel like he should do school work just like Cameron. It's way too cute.