Wednesday, May 26, 2010

End of School Year

Shh! Don't tell Cameron, but our school year with Horizon Charter School is officially over for the summer. I still plan on doing school work with Cameron, though, until the week before his birthday, then we will take off the end of June and the whole month of July so I can plan our next school year. It just seems like taking 3 months off of school would not be that beneficial. I remember when I was in school, the first few weeks of the fall school year were always spent doing review from the previous year. Such a waste! If we only take off about six weeks, then we should have little to no review.

I was notified by Cameron's Horizon ST (supervising teacher) that I can put in my request now for curriculum I want for the fall. Wow, I thought I would have more time to figure that out. I was thinking that I wouldn't be able to put in my request until July, at the earliest. So now I am on the hunt for what I think we might want to learn. Math and Language Arts are easy. For math I will just order level B of the same program we are doing now. And our language arts program will just continue, and I might supplement with other materials I already have.

I was excited to hear that Horizon has the Muzzy Spanish program in their resource library. The ST put in the request for us to check it out for next school year, but I don't know yet if it is available or if someone else has already checked it out. If I can't get it, I found another spanish program online that I can order. I also found a cool guitar lesson book with CD and DVD so Cameron can learn to play his guitar. He's been telling me he wants to take lessons. We'll see how this program works. We can always use our Horizon stipend for lessons if the program is not good.

The only other curriculum I was thinking about getting is a unit study from Christian Cottage. I would have to purchase it since it is biblically based, but it's only $75 and would last the entire school year. The program has received very good reviews on all sites I looked at that had a review on it. Their Level 1 unit study goes from Creation to the Renaissance, and includes pretty much all subjects: life science, physical science, astronomy, weather, history, oceanography, writing, reading, etc. I am excited about this one!

I am so looking forward to this upcoming school year. Some teaching days are pretty rough, but overall I have loved our homeschooling experience and wouldn't want to change anything. It has been such a blessing to be so closely involved in Cameron's education and to see how his thought process has changed and matured this past year.

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