Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 2010 Update

I haven't written in a while so I thought I should say something. Let's see, I am trying to get a jump start on the next school year and figure out what we will be learning. I asked Cameron and he said he wanted to learn about birds, specifically about how they gather food and feed their young, and how they poop (my boys very much love to talk about poop). So I am now in the process of putting together a unit study on birds. I put a whole bunch of books on hold at the library, and when they come in I guess I'll just take a look at them and hopefully will get some ideas on activities we can do to go along with the reading on birds.

I am loving the language arts program we are using, Spell To Write And Read. I modified it a little to fit our specific needs and Cameron's age, but it has worked so well for us. Cameron has now done 210 spelling words, and he is so very proud of himself. We will continue on with this program next school year, but will also start the Cursive First program so he can learn to write in cursive. I think we might also put more emphasis on sentence structure and writing creatively.

Still trying to figure out what to do for social science. Maybe a unit on California History, or the Railroads, or Pioneer Days, or World Capitols? Oh well, I still have plenty of time to figure it out. We'll probably do science kits for science this year. Cameron loves to do anything that even remotely seems like a science experiment.

Well, we're still trucking on in this homeschooling thing. We've kind of figured out a schedule that works for us, but I also realize that I need to be flexible and willing to change if necessary. It's such a wonderful adventure!

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